What Then Say You
Welcome to the show! In this podcast my wife and I have candid conversations about various topics that will encourage and at times challenge you! The greatest conversations ever had are typically amongst friends in an intimate setting. This is the venue in which the Holy Spirit often works to separate the chaff from the wheat in our lives if we are being honest with ourselves. We hope as you peer behind the veil and join us that you take what you hear and consider it with Gods word in your own life.
What Then Say You
Christianity 101- Let's Talk About It
Keith & Tunisha Barnes
Season 3
Episode 6
In this Episode, Tunisha and I dive into the ebbs and flows of the Christian walk. Why is Holiness the least discussed attribute of modern-day believers, what should our walk actually look like lived out? Let this conversation spark a "Check on Learning" inside you as you study the word to see if the fruit that you have been called to is actually being produced!
Feel free to check us out over on YouTube!! Be sure to subscribe to stay in the loop!
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